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Short Description

As the saying goes by Elliott Abrams, ‘First impressions matter. Experts say we size up new people in somewhere between 30 seconds and two minutes.’ As true as it is for people, it is perhaps more true for their digital presence. Getting that first impression to be splendid doesn’t come easy. A cluttered, outdated look for a company that boasts its postmodern hues is perhaps the worst thing that can happen to a company online. So how do you ensure that anyone who sets eyes on your website is immediately engrossed? Enter Themefisher’s newest creation: Fiction, a template based on the ever so mighty Bootstrap 3 that is JUST RIGHT for your agency website. Your website is perhaps the best place for you to tell your story the way you want to, from the biggest of the overview to the most minor of the details. But to tell that story properly and to actually execute the minor details, you cannot just go to a run-off-the-mill look that almost every website uses, no, you need to make it stick. And how exactly do you make it stick? For most of us, we turn to the best templates, And that is exactly why Fiction is the go to template for you. It incorporates not just top notch aesthetics, but also features that improve functionality. Fiction, the newest of the bunch from the Themefisher team, is just the perfect blend of these components. Whether you’re a small or a giant, this template will not let you down with it’s powerful pack of features and the fact that it supports multiple pages. If you have Fiction at play, you can sit back and relax because you can rest assured, your webpage will be a beautifully crafted experience for the user. The theme features a clean, colorful design with various pages to serve as an excellent choice for your website.

Best for Agencies

As an agency, one of the most important assets a brand can have is their online presence. Whether you’re just getting started or looking for a fresh and elegant look for your website, Fiction is guranteed to give your web asset (your website) a sleek and modern outlook. Add your own voice to the awesomeness of this template and you have a website that is sure to make heads turn.

Built on cutting edge technologies

Fiction is the newest of the bunch from the Themefisher team. After persistent and thorough efforts that went into this template, Fiction has been perfected to fit any agency website. Whether you’re a small or a giant, this template will not let you down with it’s powerful pack of features and the fact that it supports multiple pages. If you have Fiction at play, you can sit back and relax because you can rest assured, your webpage will be a beautifully crafted experience for the user. The theme features a clean, colorful design with various pages to serve as an excellent choice for your website.


Instead of cluttering up all your information in one page, get users to navigate exactly where you want them to. Boast your company’s story and show off your team, showcase your products with different pages beautifully crafted to set your website apart from the rest.

Bootstrap 3 based

Fiction is built using the latest and greatest of the web technological developments- Bootstrap 3. An extremely popular framework among developers, this ensures your website is responsive and can adapt flawlessly to any screen size be it a giant one or a handheld one.

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