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Blue Pro
Blue Pro

Blue Pro


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Short Description

Blue Pro is creative crafted the best corporate agency one page website template. The design of this business one page HTML template has been shaped based on one page web design standard, can tailor with niches like startup, portfolio showcasing, photography studio, software or IT company, profit or non-profit organisation, fashion designing firm, web development firm and more.

The codebase of this single page website is SEO friendly because each element of this template has been developed incorporating with all SEO best practices that are instructed to follow by major search engine SEO guidelines. So, you don’t need to worry about on-page SEO factors of your website. As mobile users are growing exponentially, maximum web visitors from small devices are populating modern websites. We crafted the best premium one page website with Bootstrap frontend framework.

So, The bootstrap one page template can easily fit inside iPhone, iPad, tablet, notebook, and other small screen devices. If you want to convert this a single page website into a dynamic website using CMS like Joomla, WordPress Magento, Drupal, this single page website template will be really helpful because the each of template section is well-commented and W3C validated. You can use any programming language like PHP, Python, Ruby, Angularjs, reactjs, and more to make the one page theme dynamic as well. On top of that, Blue Pro is simple and powerful can accomodate visitors those who uses browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge/IE, Safari and more.

Responsive One Page HTML Template

Blue Pro is the first premium design brought by Themefisher at FuriousTheme. The theme is minimal, simple and responsive as well, has been successfully passed all responsive test. That means the responsive one page template can be seen from the all popular viewing devices wth ease.

Crafted With Modern Technology and Design

Blue Pro has been developed with the combination of modern technologies and trends. So, the template is built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap 3, FontAwesome and More. The design of this WordPress theme is cutting edge, can charm visitors mind and allure them to explore your site details continuously. The typography is clean which allows readers to read each element with fun.

Above the fold is the crucial part of a website, can bring success or high bounce rate instead. To present key contents elegantly at the fold above, people adds beautiful header and interactive slider. Nothing different with this fantastic responsive one page website theme comes with a creative slider which will give visitors reason to scroll deeper.

The template is saturated with well-researched UX; it give unique viewing experience both large and small screen users. When it’s large display screen, the navigation sticks with site top, whereas the sticky header menu turns into the burger-based menu when it’s viewed from mobile devices.

Spacious Service Details

Service Area is considered the place where it describes the motto of a website. When people visit a website, they possess some intention. If they found the website is not precisely serving their interest, they immediately leave the site. To comprehend the purpose, Blue Pro brings a well-furnished service section to explain visitors the ultimate motto.

Portfolio gallery includes all your previous projects that have been completed successfully by the business firm. Such a section convinces visitors and conveys a clear message that site owner is proficient in their fields. To serve such an important purpose proficiently, Blue Pro has an interactive and combining with unique hover effect; a portfolio gallery enabled so that visitors can feel soothing while scanning business portfolios.

Elegant Testimonial Section

More than 80% of customers says online reviews influence their buying decision. Positive testimonials from satisfied clients would be a great endorsement for the site owners. It pays a vital role to induce customers to purchase from the site instantly because it acts like online reviews. On that other hand, it boosts site credibility undoubtedly.

Catchy Pricing Table

Statistically many of customers get bounce quickly when they found pricing comparison confusing. Even the exit rate from the pricing table found high when it looks dull. Combining this issue, Blue Pro has brought an efficient solution. The looking of the pricing is impressive and surprising, can create an aesthetic feeling in visitors mind instantly that lead them to judge the pricing quickly.

Detailed Contact Us Area

Trust is considered the essential part of a website. Contact form and contact address have customers feel safe. Blue Pro comes with clean contact and area to place physical company address. One top of that, The theme is combined with Google map which let visitors get business address graphically.

Well-documentation and 24/7 Support

Each section of this business agency one page website template is well-comment, comes with extensive documentation to allow easy kickstart. The template has been developed by developers having years of professional experience. So, I believe you don’t need any technical support to work with this theme. On of that, when you need any assistance of developer theme, they are always there to help you timely.

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