30+ Best Laravel Admin Templates & Themes For 2022 Laravel is a PHP Based open-source, secure and stable Framework. It is a very powerful framework for the admin panel dashboard design. In the past developer basically, design the dashboard from scratch. But it is a very time-consuming process. To solve the problem some developer brings Laravel admin templates to boost up the workflow and reduce project completing time. But finding out the quality admin dashboard template is also remains very painful. To relieve you from the pain here we bling a large collection of Laravel admin dashboard templates and themes for you. Some of the listed items are free and some are premium. so lest look upon the templates.
Argon Dashboard Pro Laravel
Argon Dashboard Pro Laravel is a feature-rich and refreshing in appearance admin dashboard template. It comes with 200 frontend components and you can use these components to build a stunning and worthy admin template. every element of this Laravel template is customizable. You can change its color, style, focus, and hover.
Anyway, this one is a product of Creative Tim and you have the flexibility to use the demo version before buying the premium version. So, don’t forget to check the demo version first. Let us have a look at the main features of this template are:
- 200 handcrafted elements
- 16 customized plugins
- 25 example pages
- PSD files and Sketch files
- Premium support
Material Dashboard Pro Laravel
Material Dashboard Pro Laravel is a premium admin template that is built with ready-to-use CRUDS. This dashboard is designed inspired by material design and it is very clean and refreshes in appearance. Moreover, this one is a combination of professional mix-up of material UI kit.
Anyway, you can use these amazing Laravel admin dashboard templates for different types of web applications. Its animation, ripples, transition allow your smooth browsing experience. in short, the main features of this template are:
- 200 handcrafted elements
- 15 customized plugins
- 27 example pages
- Regular updates
- SAAS files and well documentation
- PSD files and sketch files
- Premium support
Black Dashboard Pro Laravel
Actually, you will find a little difference between this one and the previous admin dashboard template. Black Dashboard Pro Laravel comes with a black interface. Though functional features are almost the same, its layout has a bit different appearance.
Anyway, this dashboard is crafted with the most commonly used plugins and CRUDS. You can use this admin dashboard theme for Ecommerce, presentation, SAAS apps, and other similar types of projects. Mian features are this template are:
- Flexible and Demo version
- 200 handcrafted elements
- 26 example pages
- Well documented and fully Laravel coded
- PSD and Sketch files
- Premium support
Now UI Dashboard PRO Laravel
Now UI Dashboard PRO Laravel is another ready-to-use CRUDS laravel admin dashboard template with handcrafted elements. You can create a super-fast and super customized admin dashboard template with Bootstrap 4 and Laravel 5.5 and above.
Anyway, this clean and simple admin dashboard template comes with 160+ handcrafted components. In short, the main features of this template are:
- 160+ handcrafted elements
- 13 customized plugins
- 28 example demo pages
- SAAS, PSD, and Sketch file
Paper Dashboard PRO Laravel
Paper Dashboard is one of the best Laravel admin templates from Creative Tim. Features of this theme are almost the same as the other admin dashboard template from the same author except for appearance. It comes with customizable elements and you have the flexibility to use the demo versions like other themes of Creative Tim. Anyway, the main features are:
- 160 handcrafted elements
- 13 customized plugins
- 5 example pages
- Well documented and Full Laravel version
- SAAS, PSD and Sketch files
- Premium support
White Dashboard PRO Laravel
White Dashboard PRO Laravel is another ready-to-use CRUDS Laravel template from Creative Tim. This one comes with comparatively more features and a straightforward outlook. Also, it comes with a refreshing white interface. Apart from the Laravel features, it also includes different versions of Forms, Tables, Maps, Widgets, and elements. Anyway, the main features of this template are:
- 200 handcrafted elements
- 14 customized plugins
- 26 example pages
- SAAS, PSD and Sketch files
- Premium support
Light Bootstrap Dashboard Laravel
Light Bootstrap Dashboard Laravel is a Bootstrap and Laravel based admin dashboard template. Like its names, it comes with a very light interface with minimal features. if you are looking for an admin dashboard template with a simple appearance with minimal features, you can check this template. anyway, the main features of this template are:
- 16 Handcrafted Elements
- 4 customized plugins
- 4 example pages
- Photoshop and Sketch files
- Saas file and premium support
Booster is based on Bootstrap 4.3.1, the latest PHP, Html, CSS Jquery, and Laravel framework. This developer-friendly admin dashboard template comes with a UI kit. So, you can create a new project with this template in no time by using reusable components and libraries. However, you can check this feature-rich template for your projects. The main features of this template are:
- 80+ pages
- The vertical and horizontal layout
- Support SAAS
- W3C validate coding
- All necessary plugins
Vuexy is one of the best-selling and trending Laravel admin dashboards in Themeforest. Vuexy has been selling for 4 thousand times having a great positive review. However, this one is not a laravel admin dashboard template only, it is a package of 5 in 1 bundle. It includes VueJs, VueJs + Laravel 6, Html+Jquery, Laravel6+ html+Jquery, sketch+Figma+Adobe xd versions. that is incredible indeed.
Anyway, apart from the maximum framework facility, it also includes all the premium and top-notch regular features like Firebase, AuthO, Access control, Axios, Algolia, and so on. if you are a developer and looking for a dashboard template that will fit any projects, then grab this dashboard template without looking further. In a brief, the main features of this template are:
- RTL compatibility and Laravel core structure
- Global search UI and print-ready invoice
- Developer friendly and easy to customize
- Mostly used Framework and libraries
- Dark and light layout
- Quick navigation and search
- Includes all the workable applications and so on.
OneUI is another trending and featured bootstrap admin dashboard and laravel 6 starter Kit in Themeforest. This one is a super flexible UI framework with Laravel that you can develop any kind of pages with this package in no time. However, this multifunctional laravel template comes with a different framework and developers tools like Webpack4, Gulp4, babel 7, Browsersync, and Autoprefixer. So as a developer you can develop any project effectively and fruitfully.
Anyway, this feature-rich template comes with both HTML and PHP packages. OneUI is suitable for developing UI for wide angles of projects like website, web application, backend of the website, admin dashboard, CMS, CRM, or even other minutes web projects like portfolio, blog, or others. The main features are:
- Packed with Php, Html and Laravel web Kit
- Lightweight and Modular
- RTL supported and Box backend
- Alternate button styles
- Profile edit
- 6 eCommerce pages
- Regular updates
The codebase is another bootstrap admin dashboard with a Laravel 6 starter kit from the same author of OneUI. And this one is also quite popular and has been selling more than 1.35K times with maintaining a very positive review.
However, the feature of Codebase is almost the same as the previous template except for the design. This one is built with Bootstrap 4, ECMAScript, and saas. Besides, it comes with 3 unique versions Html, PHP, and Gets started.
Anyway, with this developer-friendly template, you can create different types of projects like CSM, CRM, websites, web applications, and even other personal blogs or portfolio websites. In short, notable features of this template are
- Next-generation UI framework with Laravel and ES6
- Regular updates with new features
- Blog widget and fresh pages
- Flexible layout with handcrafted design
Gull is a bootstrap 4 based admin dashboard template and UI framework that comes with Laravel. This developer-friendly admin template has two versions, one is the HTML version and another is the Laravel version. Apart from the duo versions, it also includes the latest web development tools like SAAS, Jquery plugins, Gulp, Babel, Browsersync, and others.
Anyway, this template has 4 unique versions along with a Horizontal layout. and this one is suitable for developing various types of projects like CMS, CRM, ERP, SAAS, project management, custom admin panel, chat application, and others. Apart from these features, other main features of this template are:
- Laravel + Bootstrap versions
- Multiple layouts and color schemes
- RTL compatibility
- 250+ UI elements
- Chat application, a calendar application, Invoice builder, and others.
Dashmix - Laravel Admin Templates
Dashmix is another one of the best-selling laravel admin templates on this list. this one comes with Saas, ES6 along with other developer-friendly tools like Webpack4, Babel7, Gulp4, Browsersync, Autoprefixer, and others. This lightweight and fast template include Html and PHP versions so you can complete any type of project in no time.
Anyway, like the previous templates, you can develop different types of projects. Moreover, after a certain time, you will get an update from the author of this template. With every update, you will get new features. that's cool, isn’t it? By the way, the main features of this template are:
- Smart toolkit
- Generic pages and blog pages
- RTL and alternative buttons
- Plugins and libraries
- Regular update with new features
Looking for a multifunctional admin dashboard template at a flat rate? Well, you may have a look at the Veltrix. The Author of this template offers a 50% discount on launching. However, this responsive UI kit and admin dashboard template are polished with the latest web technologies like React with Redux, Node Js, Php, ajax, Laravel, and Html.
However, this admin template comes with both horizontal and vertical layouts with RTL compatibility. You can use this dashboard for personal websites or web applications as well as business purposes. In short, the main features of this template are:
- Laravel, Nodejs, Reactjs, Ajax and PHP versions
- Horizontal and vertical layout
- Login, register and error options
- 6+ charts library
- Data tables and so many features
Admire Admin
Admire is another splendid and feature-rich bootstrap 4 and Laravel admin dashboard template. This one is developed for professional developers and it includes 9 different layouts with 800+ pages. that is incredible indeed. Apart from the flexible pages and layouts, it includes 300+ widgets and 1000+ components.
Anyway, you can choose this template for its cool features like 16 different color skins, Bower package manager, and Gulp task. Besides all the cool features, if you need customization or quality support, then you can get it at a minimal price. Prominent features of this template are:
- Bootstrap 4 and Laravel 6 admin dashboard theme
- Flexible components and layouts coming soon GUI CRUD Builder.
- Developer friendly and regular update with new features
Well, Aero is another trending Now bootstrap admin template in this list. more interestingly besides the laravel version, it also includes the Angular version. so, you may call it a complete developer-friendly advance admin dashboard template. However, Aero is an advanced and effective admin dashboard that comes with a flat, iconic, and minimal appearance. Also, it has 3 different versions as I mentioned.
Anyway, the author of this template offers a regular update to the premium buyers. And obviously, it is free. Apart from all these stunning features, its loading speed is quite good. Also, it comes with light and dark versions. so, you have enough flexibility to satisfy your clients indeed. Key features of this template are:
- 30 inbuilt plugins
- W3C validate coding
- Developer friendly theme
- Regular free update
- Html, Laravel 6+ and Angular 8+
Looking for a developer-friendly laravel 6 admin dashboard at a moderate price? well, then you may consider NobleUI. It comes with a lot of reusable UI components and huge library collections. Also, it includes JQuery plugins integration.
However, this developer-friendly admin template is developed with SAAS so that you can smartly customize your projects.
Anyway, this responsive Laravel admin dashboard theme has both light and dark versions. so no matter which you or your client prefer, you can use it in your projects. In short, prominent features of this template are:
- Laravel 6.2 and Bootstrap 4.3.1
- NPM project management
- Different charts items and 1000+ icons
- Regular features included
- Free regular update
Oculux UI
Oculux is a bootstrap-based admin panel template and you can use this template for any type of website’s admin panel. This template includes all commonly used bootstrap plugins and resources. So, you can use this admin dashboard theme smoothly for your projects.
Anyway, this 2 in 1 which means integration of Laravel and bootstrap theme includes all the regular features so, you can start your projects immediately with this template. This highly customized template includes 100+ UI components, 150+ designed pages, 100+ ready dashboards, and 65+ Widgets and metrics. In short main features of this template are:
- Bootstrap and laravel admin dashboard template
- Includes Jquery and SAAS base CSS
- Cryptocurrency dashboard
- HR management, Project management
- RTL features and 5+ inbuilt apps
- 6 color skins with light and dark versions
Zare is developed with bootstrap 4, Laravel 5.7, HTML, and CSS. It comes with a both vertical and horizontal layout. also, it includes both the light and dark versions. this responsive template is suitable for creating SAAS-based interface, accounting software, project management, CRM, CMS, ERP, and any other type of web application.
Anyway, this template comes with 100+ elements with the necessary features to start your project. Apart from the regular features it also includes the necessary plugins. In short, the main features of this template are:
- 3 different dashboard
- Light and dark version
- 100+ elements
- W3C validate code
InfiniO is another professional and minimal admin dashboard template that can be used for various purposes. you can use this template for the Admin dashboard, backend website, CSM, CRM, and other types of projects.
Anyway, the main features of this template are Laravel 5.7 and Bootstrap 4 framework, blog chart libraries, and others. Let's have a look at the key features of this template.
- eCommerce integration
- Calendar and chat apps
- File manager and taskboard
- Table plugins
Theta is one of the cheapest Laravel admin dashboard templates in this list. though it is cheap the features are rich indeed. it is based on the latest bootstrap and laravel versions. The author of this template designs specific widgets based on the categories to design your website easily.
Anyway, Theta is special for its extensive features like 10+ font icons, Saas compiler, Top and side menu, 100+ pages, useful widgets, and other features. let us have a look at the key features of this template:
- 3 predesigned dashboard
- Especial demo for eCommerce, social media and Analytics
- Dark and light with horizontal and vertical appearance
- Extra pages and necessary plugins
Looking for a laravel hospital admin dashboard template? well, you can consider Oreo Hospital. This one has a light and dark menu with background images and other necessary features. this template is suitable for Doctors & Dentists, Hospitals & Health clinics, and medical organizations.
Anyway, this one comes with 6 unique and alluring color skins, 100+ integrated plugins, 90+ pages, 500+ UI components, and so many features. all the icons of this template design are inspired by material design. That is why it is refreshing in appearance. Key features are:
- Laravel 5.7 and Bootstrap 4 based
- Latest Jquery plugins
- SAAS based coding
- File manager, Material Kit
- Regular updates with new features
Skote is an Html and Laravel admin dashboard template that is designed for the developers in mind. This beautiful and creative admin dashboard and control panel crafted with necessary features like RTL and LTR, dark and light interface and others. You can use this template for eCommerce, CMS, CRM, Project management apps, and other admin panel purposes.
Anyway, strokes include a lot of flexible widget designs. Also, it includes 6 different layouts. So you can create and handle different types of projects with this single admin template. main features are:
- Package of Bootstrap 4.4.1 and Laravel 6.2
- RTL and LTR with light and dark appearance
- Ecommerce ready
- SAAS powered responsive layout
- W3C validate code and well documented
If you are looking for a cheap Laravel admin dashboard template, then you may consider Borash. Because the author of this template offers a 50% discount. However, like the other admin dashboard template in this list, it comes with bootstrap 4, Laravel 5.8, HTML, CSS, and SCSS. Also, it comes with JQuery plugins.
Anyway, you can use this theme for any type of project management, backend application, admin dashboard, CRM, and others.
The main features are:
- CRM system
- Ecommerce ready
- Analytics ready
- Project management
- Help desk management
Olaf is a minimal and professional Laravel and Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template. Reusable components and UI make this template special. You can handle small to large projects with this template because it includes all the necessary features. so, this one is suitable for developing eCommerce, CRM, PaaS, CMS, accounting software, and Backend of website.
Anyway, now it has two admin dashboard interfaces and the next will come soon. Its multipurpose dashboard allows you to handle different types of projects professionally. The main features of this template are:
- 2+ different dashboard
- Laravel and Bootstrap based admin dashboard
- Separate components
- Regular update with new features
Craftable is a project of GitHub and this one is an admin starter kit with Laravel framework. This advance and open source laravel toolkit is suitable for developing a professional admin dashboard theme. Though it is an open-source project, it is nothing less than a premium one. So, if you have a budget problem, you can check this one.
- CRUD generator
- Translation manager
- Demo pages
Devmix is a modern and contemporary Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template with a full Laravel version. This one is suitable for people who want to create a responsive web application without facing any hassle. It comes with a minimal appearance and a reasonable price also. This backend web application is built with HTML5, CSS3, SAAS, and Jquery plugins.
Anyway, you can use this template for almost every type of web projects like CMS, CRM, ERP, eCommerce, and others. In short main features of this template are:
- 3 unique dashboard
- Laravel and Bootstrap4
- 100+ useful elements
- Quality support
Lucid Laravel is the last but not least in this exclusive list of Laravel templates. This one comes with a lot of
specifications like a separate layout for Analytical, demographic, Hospital, University, Real Estate, Project, Bitcoin, eCommerce, and IoT.
Anyway, Lucid Laravel includes all the common features and plugins to start your web application in no time. with this flexible and well-organized admin dashboard template, you can easily understand the actual condition or data of your web application. The main features of this template are:
- Laravel 5.7 and Bootstrap 4.1.1
- 10+ different dashboard
- 6 color skins
- SaaS and jQuery
- 100+ ready widget