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Top 20+ Jekyll Blog Themes For 2022

Top 20+ Jekyll Blog Themes For 2022

Thousands of blogs are being created daily. The race is on, and to become a winner in this race you need something special so that you can leverage yourself from your competitors from top to bottom. But you know, developing a complete and professional website from scratch is not an easy task indeed. you need a professional hand as well as a handsome investment. In this case, Jekyll blog themes can be a good solution for you.

However, you know, Jekyll is a powerful static site generator by which you can develop professionally as well as a personal website. In this blog post, we have picked the best Jekyll blog themes so that you can save time and money.

So without further ado, let’s explore the Jekyll blog template.

Parsa - Free Jekyll Blog Template

Parsa - Responsive Jekyll Blog Template

Parsa is a free Jekyll blog template and this one comes under the MIT license. So you can use this template without giving any attribution. Though it is a free theme, it comes with a lot of stunning features. You can use this template for almost all types of niches.

But this one is suitable for lifestyle-related blogs like traveling, food items, or something like that. Its Grid-based layout with a clean appearance makes your website professional and catchy. Also, you will get a regular update.

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NorthendLab -Free Jekyll Blog Themes

Free Jekyll Blog Themes
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Cricson - Jekyll Blog Themes

Cricson - Jekyll Blog Themes

Sports blogging is one the best niche for blogging and it is challenging indeed. you need a contemporary and sophisticated website template to start a sports blog. In this case, Crimson can be a good solution. This Jekyll-based blog template comes with a very minimal interface and you can publish unlimited content here without facing major problems.

Also, you can customize its all components because of its developer-friendly features. prominent features of this template are outstanding single blog posts, the inclusion of necessary pages, AOS animation, and so many features. you can use this one for almost every niche but I think, this one is preferable for any type of sport.

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Arnica jekyll blog theme

Arnica is another clean and unique blog theme based on Jekyll from the same author of Cricson. This one is suitable for corporate, business, or personal purposes. So if you are looking for a business Jekyll template, you may check this one for its uniqueness and mind-blowing design.

Anyway, I can assure you that, Arnica is totally different from the as usual Jekyll corporate theme. It is a top to bottom professional and feature item. I love this one and recommend it for corporate blogging because with this catchy template you can easily grab the attention of your audience. So, don’t forget to check this item.

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Primula Jekyll blog theme

Primula is another Jekyll blog theme from themeix and this one is simple and clear like the previous templates. however, Primula comes with fewer features, here the author just ensures to focus your content only. But don’t worry, you will get all the necessary features here. I just want to remind you that it comes without any exaggeration. That’s all. So, you can consider this template for information-based blogging like personal blogging or tutorial-type blogging.

Anyway, the main features of this template are bootstrap 4, easy customization, clean layout, W3C validate coding. besides this feature, you will get live support from the author.

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SEO-friendly Jekyll template for blogging

Looking for an SEO-friendly Jekyll template for blogging? Well, you may have a look at Axotic. It comes with the Onpage package, so don’t worry about the SEO anymore. The homepage of Axotic comes with a single post with an image layout. however, this template is built with Bootstrap 4 and it includes SCSS. The main features of Axotic are clean code with an SEO-friendly layout, google fonts, and subscription form.

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Jekyll blog theme

Well, JekyllX is the last item in this hand-picked Jekyll blog themes list. this one is feature-rich and unique in appearance. It comes with a multiple-page layout. so have the flexibility to do something special with this blog theme. However, it is based on bootstrap 3. Other prominent features are SEO-friendly and clean design, modern design, single or multi-author, Mailchimp subscription, and many more.

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Jekyll blog theme

Creativity is the key to winning the race. It doesn’t matter where you are, if you want to leverage your competitors then you should do something special from them. Yes, quality is a must but the appearance and functionality of your website are crucial.

Anyway, Hyde is a unique and minimal blog theme. This theme is powered by Jekyll and Bootstrap 4. I can assure you that you will be surprised by its unique look. It is clean and beautiful. Indeed, Hyde does not come with a lot of features. main features of hyde are limited and they are:

  • Based on Bootstrap and Jekyll
  • Unique appearance with 100% responsive
  • YML navigation and blog category
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Toile - Professional Jekyll Blog Themes

Toile - Professional Jekyll Blog Themes

Étoile is one of the best Jekyll blog themes I have ever seen. I like this one for its professional outlook, design, and features. As a blogger, you want to show all your posts in an organized and disciplined manner. Étoile allows you the opportunity. Literally, this Jekyll blog template is mind-blowing. if you are a writer or a blogger then don’t try this awesome theme.

Anyway, it is very easy to customize and it includes google analytics features inbuilt. Other notable features are Live search, slideshows, SEO-friendly coding, contact page, image lightbox, social share, and Disqus comment.

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Maxima - Professional Jekyll Blog Themes

At the very first look, you may think you are on Pinterest! Yes, Maxima is a Jekyll magazine and blog theme and its design concept is taking after Pinterest a bit. Anyway, Maxima is suitable for both regular blogging and magazine. You can offer a smooth reading environment to your readers with Maxima.

Like the previous templates, it also comes with limited features. main features are SAAS source files, instant search, support multi-author, Evil icons, tags, Disqus comments, post pagination, and sharing. Briefly, Maxima is easy to customize with a detail documentation template.

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The Gauve

traveling and personal blog theme

Looking for a feature-rich blog template to start a new website? Well, then you can consider The Gauve which is specially crafted for food, traveling, and personal blogs. Nowadays, social media is a good traffic source that is why this template includes social media signals like Pinterest and Instagram.

Anyway, this Jekyll travel and food blog website features YMAL navigation, Disqus comment, and a working contact form. Besides, it is an SEO-friendly Jekyll template and comes with a fast loading speed.

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Midan - SEO Friendly Jekyll Blog Templates

Midan - SEO Friendly Jekyll Blog Templates

Without a doubt, Midan is a special one. You know the loading speed of a website is a crucial SEO factor for Google. Even google officially declare the fact. Midan is special to me for its crazy loading speed and super cool design. Believe me, you will find a few cool looking templates like Midan.

Anyway, Midan is crafted with clean code and well documentation. Also, you will get quality support from the author. Other notable features are Post sharing, post pagination, Evil icons, Tags.

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Sinai - Jekyll Mobile Friendly Blog Themes

Sinai - Jekyll Mobile Friendly Blog Themes

Earlier in this article, I mention that nowadays people prefer mobile to desktop to visit webpages. So, just responsive is not enough. you should ensure mobile-friendly design where your users can easily read your blog. However, Sinai comes with a mobile-friendly design with a minimal interface. It comes with a content-first design where you can easily grab the attraction of your users.

It also includes the regular web features like navigation, style Guide, tags, newsletter and working search box. Briefly, it is an effective blog template indeed.

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Memoir - Jekyll photography blogging Themes

Memoir - Jekyll photography blogging Themes

Are you a passionate photographer? Do you love blogging? If the answer is yes and wants to share your experience among the people worldwide, Memoir is for you. it is a Jekyll photography and blogging website with a very simple but creative outlook.

A banner on the top, so does the bottom, make it charming and beautiful indeed. the top one is dark and the bottom one is light, which means the combination of light and dark. Apart from these features, other notable features are Slide shows, google maps, SEO friendly appearance, and responsive appearance.

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Nubia - Responsive super-fast Jekyll Blog Themes

Nubia - Responsive super-fast Jekyll Blog Themes

Nubia is another super-fast Jekyll blog template. its page loading score in google page insight is 99%. That means it is fast and its layout is well crafted. Also, Nubia comes with a responsive appearance and it is fit for mobile perfectly. Another nice feature of Nubia is its instant search. But the price of Nubia is a bit higher than another Jekyll blog template.

Anyway, in a brief, notable features of Nubia are AJAX page loading, responsive table, medium style image zoom, syntax highlighting, responsive videos, Disqus comments, subscription and Instagram feed. So, you may consider this template as a feature-rich and multifunctional template for the blog website.

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East - Clean Mobile Fast Jekyll Blog Template

East - Clean Mobile Fast Jekyll Blog Template

East is developed by the same author of Sinai and Nubia. We recommend these Jekyll themes specially for their loading speed and design. Also, the feedback of customers is positive. However, like the other themes of this author East is a fast loading, well documented and nice looking template. its homepage is really unique and user-friendly.

Briefly, the Main features of East are clean design, mobile-first appearance, instant search, Mailchimp support AMD Disqus comments. Apart from these awesome features, you will get quality support from the developer of this template regarding coding and customization.

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Mediumish- Free Jekyll Blog Templates

Mediumish- Free Jekyll Blog Templates

Mediumish is a free Jekyll theme and this one is published on This free Jekyll template is suitable for blogging and it is built with bootstrap 4. Though it is a free theme, it is a complete theme. The main features of this template are Disqus comments, Index pagination, Mailchimp category archives, and Google analytics

Anyway, this template is compatible with Github pages. besides, the homepage of this template comes with multiple layouts, so as a free theme, it is cool.

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Simples - Best Jekyll Blog Themes

Simples - Best Jekyll Blog Themes

Simples are on my favorite and one of the best Jekyll blog themes in this list. like its name, its overall appearance is very simple indeed. This Jekyll template can be used for any type of blog like food, technology, personal, traveling and so on. Also, this template is suitable for an affiliate marketer. You will surely get more conversion because of its calculated design.

Anyway, the main features of this template are minimal design, single-column layout, blog navigation, SEO friendly coding, and easy customization. Apart from all these features, you will get regular updates and one to one support as premium customers.

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Forma - Premium Jekyll Blog Theme

Forma - Premium Jekyll Blog Theme

Forma is another Jekyll theme from Jekyll directory. This premium template comes with a bold and noise-free outlook. You can attract the attention of your audience with its bold typography and professional web elements. The top section of this template comes with a new concept and you can add multiple image files here with transition effects.

Anyway, the main features of this template are post slider, masonry grid layout, built-in social icon, Mailchimp subscription, contact form, and multiple author support.

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Shiori - Free Jekyll Blog Themes

Shiori - Free Jekyll Blog Themes

Shiori is another free Jekyll template in this list. it is based on bootstrap. You can use this free template for a portfolio or personal blog type website. However, Shiori is very easy to customize. you can easily change your necessary elements without any hassle.

Anyway, if you are new in web development and need to start a blog for practicing purpose, then you can use this one.

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Curious - Magazine-style Jekyll blog Theme

Curious - Magazine-style Jekyll blog Theme

Looking for a Jekyll blog template with large images and a grid-based layout? Well, then you may have a look at Curious. This one is a premium Jekyll which is specially developed for magazine purposes. Anyway, this well documented and content focused template is very easy to customize and you don’t be an expert to customize it.

However, prominent features of this template are mobile-first design, flexibility to use a large image, custom quote style, and many more. You can consider this template for photography, architecture, interior design, art, and fashion.

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